Use the above search box to find Odongk postal Codes. Enter the name of any place in Odongk to find the postal Code or postal Code. In this mechanical and complicated life style of human beings, it is very difficult to remember a particular locality in Odongk . Our aim is to provide the simpler and useful information like Odongk postal Code in a simplest manner.
It is necessary to mention the postal Code while you send a letter or a parcel via the Cambodia postal system. The postal Code numbers literally route the post you send through the geography of Cambodia to the address given in Odongk . In fact the actual address is read only at the final post office where they do the final sorting for delivery. Thus Postal or PIN code helps post offices to speed up the sorting and delivery of mails. postal Code is also otherwise called as postal Code or PIN code (Postal Index Number).
Ampil Tuek | 5101 |
Anlong Chamnar | 5101 |
Chanteak Saen | 5101 |
Krang Tumnob | 5101 |
Pal Hal | 5101 |
Prey Ton | 5101 |
Sdok Ak | 5101 |
Sdok Taol Chas | 5101 |
Sdok Taol Thmei | 5101 |
Thmei Tunloab | 5101 |
Angk Serei | 5102 |
Angk Ta Pok | 5102 |
Banteay Khmaer | 5102 |
Chek | 5102 |
Chres | 5102 |
Kamnab | 5102 |
Phnum Bat | 5102 |
Phnum Totueng | 5102 |
Sakar Kaev | 5102 |
Sambuor | 5102 |
Chrak Popul | 5103 |
Chumpu Preoks | 5103 |
Krang Ta Saom | 5103 |
Prey Ampil | 5103 |
Prey Tonsae | 5103 |
Trach Khpos | 5103 |
Trapeang Lieb | 5103 |
Angkrong | 5112 |
Chambak Run | 5112 |
Chumtob Moan | 5112 |
Damnak Reang | 5112 |
Doek Peang | 5112 |
Khsach Puon | 5112 |
Krang Knaor | 5112 |
Pong Tuek | 5112 |
Pou | 5112 |
Sdok | 5112 |
Baek Khlouk | 5104 |
Bat Doeng | 5104 |
Dambouk Sa | 5104 |
Damnak Trach | 5104 |
Kakab | 5104 |
Kandal | 5104 |
Ou Samrae | 5104 |
Prey Ta Chey | 5104 |
Prey Totueng | 5104 |
Sdok Lpov | 5104 |
Ak Yum | 5105 |
Ampil Ph\'aem | 5105 |
Angk | 5105 |
Chbar Chroh | 5105 |
Danlang | 5105 |
Kaoh | 5105 |
Kbal Keay | 5105 |
Kouk Roveay | 5105 |
Kouk Sandaek | 5105 |
Krang Chek | 5105 |
Kandal | 5106 |
Krang Sotin | 5106 |
Phleung Chheh | 5106 |
Prey Chongruk | 5106 |
Prey Smet | 5106 |
Romeang Slab | 5106 |
Sdok | 5106 |
Sdok S\'at | 5106 |
Svay | 5106 |
Trapeang Chambak | 5106 |
Anlong Phe | 5113 |
ayean | 5113 |
Chen Thmei | 5113 |
Chvek | 5113 |
Kandal | 5113 |
Kangrut | 5113 |
Khvet | 5113 |
Moat Ou | 5113 |
Peang Lvea | 5113 |
Saream | 5113 |
Angk Ta Aek | 5114 |
Char Aok | 5114 |
Damnak Khla | 5114 |
Krabei Prey | 5114 |
Krang arei | 5114 |
Ponnor | 5114 |
Prey Kduoch | 5114 |
Prey Preal | 5114 |
Prey Roung | 5114 |
Prey Ta Tru | 5114 |
Ampil Rung | 5107 |
Angk Sandan | 5107 |
Angkrong | 5107 |
Chhuk Sa | 5107 |
Damnak Pring | 5107 |
Kbal ou | 5107 |
Pou Kaong | 5107 |
Prakel | 5107 |
Pravoek Pong | 5107 |
Prey Phdiek | 5107 |
Chrak | 5108 |
Kandak | 5108 |
Kong Lueng | 5108 |
Kouk Char | 5108 |
Krang Doung | 5108 |
Krang Krouch | 5108 |
Krang Slaeng | 5108 |
La Khtom Khpos | 5108 |
Prey Krasang | 5108 |
Prey Phdau | 5108 |
Andoung Chroh | 5109 |
Boeng | 5109 |
Boeng Va | 5109 |
Khleang | 5109 |
Krang Trab | 5109 |
Krasang Ph\'aem | 5109 |
Ra | 5109 |
Srah Sdach | 5109 |
Ta Dung | 5109 |
Thmei | 5109 |
Andoung Chambak | 5110 |
Boureirom | 5110 |
Chamkar Doung | 5110 |
Damnak Smach | 5110 |
Khchas | 5110 |
Khnor Ampil | 5110 |
Khsach Puon | 5110 |
Kralanh | 5110 |
Krang Ponhea | 5110 |
Phkor | 5110 |
Chamkar Luong | 5111 |
Chen Dam Mlu | 5111 |
Khleang Pram | 5111 |
Knong Veang | 5111 |
Krang Ponley | 5111 |
Odongk | 5111 |
Ou Karong | 5111 |
Srah Kaev | 5111 |
Vihear Khpos | 5111 |
Voat Pou | 5111 |
Angkor Ban | 5115 |
Krang Chres | 5115 |
Krang Kdei | 5115 |
Prey Chum | 5115 |
Prey Thum | 5115 |
Prey Tien | 5115 |
Reang Ter | 5115 |
Roung Kou | 5115 |
Rung | 5115 |
Srah Thul | 5115 |