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Wallis And Futuna Postal Code

Wallis and Futuna is a French island collectively in the South Pacific. It is located between Tuvalu on the northwest, Fiji on the southwest, Tonga on the southeast, Fiji on the southwest, Samoa on the east, and Tokelau on the northeast. Mata-Utu is the capital and largest city of Wallis and Futuna. The other major cities and towns in Wallis and Futuna are Liku, Alele, Falaleu, Utufua, Vaitupu, Akaka, Halalo, Ahoa, Leava, Vailala, Kolia, etc.

The official language of the country in Wallis and Futuna is French. The other spoken languages in Wallis and Futuna are Wallisian, Futunan, etc. Wallis and Futuna is well known for its unique way of celebrating its festivals like Eke, Kailao, Tapaki, Niutao, Sasa, Lakalaka, Soamako, etc. Many foreigners or travelers also take part in the celebration and enjoy it.

The official name of the postal service in Wallis and Futuna is Post & Telecommunications Office (SPT). At first, there was so much controversy over the places which were registered under the postal code office, but then slowly every region in Wallis and Futuna got its postal codes. The pin code is segregated in such a way that each of the postal codes is.

Land Area

Wallis and Futuna have a total land area of 142.42 km2, which comes to around a total 54.99 mi2. The territory of Wallis and Futuna is divided into three traditional Kingdoms namely Uvea, Sigave, and Alo. The Uvea Kingdom is further subdivided into three districts namely Hihifo, Hahake, and Mua. It was further subdivided into cities, municipalities, towns, and villages.

Water Area

Wallis and Futuna has major sources of water including groundwater, lakes, rainwater, rivers, snow, soil moisture springs, streams, water, waterfall, wetlands, etc. Wallis and Futuna have more than two lakes and a few water bodies. Some water bodies have developed as tourist spots. Many water bodies are small in area and contain a minimum volume of water. Most of these water bodies are fresh water and very few are salt lakes.


Wallis and Futuna contain more than 14 named mountains. The highest peak and the most prominent mountain is Mont Puke which is about 524 meters (1,719 feet). The other major mountains in Wallis and Futuna are Kolofau, etc.

Postal Stamps

postal stampspostal stampspostal stampspostal stamps

List of postal and courier services in Wallis and Futuna :

  • SWFT
  • General Import Wallis et Futuna

Wallis and Futuna PostalCode Details

Region Island Location Postal Code
Alofi Alo Alofi , Kolia , Mala'e , Ono , Poi , Tamana , Taoa , Tuatafa , Vele 98610
Sigavé Sigavé Fiua , Leava , Nuku , Tavai , Toloke , Vaisei 98620
Uvéa Hahake Ahoa , Aka'aka , Falaleu , Ha'afuasia , Liku , Matā'utu 98600
Hihifo Alele , Mala'e ,Tufu'one , Vailala , Vaitupu
Mua Gahi , Ha'atofo , Halalo , Kolopopo , Lavegahau , Mala'efo'ou , Te'esi , Tepa , Utufua , Vaimalau

Wallis and Futuna PostalCode
Postcode type and position 5 digits to the left of locality name. Postcodes of the French overseas departments and territories all begin with 97 or 98. The third digit identifies the territory (6 for Wallis and Futuna).

Monsieur Jean DURAND
98600 UVEA
Wallis and Futuna
Coding method XX -- (First two digit) ---> indicate the Overseas Territory.
X-- (Third digit) ---> indicates the Overseas Territory number.
XX-- (Last two digit) ---> indicate the delivery area.
Address format Each administrative division maintains its postal code for mail delivery purposes. Having the correct code is essential to your mail delivery. The official name of the Wallis and Futuna postal service is Post & Telecommunications Office (SPT). The territory of Wallis and Futuna is divided into six districts. Wallis and Futuna have more than three zip codes.
Wallis and Futuna use a five-digit numeric postal code system in which the first two digits, the third digit, and the last two digits have different indicates which are shown below;
Examples Monsieur Jean DURAND (addressee)
98600 UVEA (postcode)
Wallis and Futuna (country)

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) s

  • How many digits are found in the Wallis and Futuna postal code?
    There are five digits found in the Wallis and Futuna postal codes.
  • What is the postal code of the capital city of Guam?
    Mata-Utu is the capital city of Wallis and Futuna and its postal code is 98600.
  • Name the official postal service in Guam.
    The official postal service in Wallis and Futuna is Post & Telecommunications Office (SPT).
  • How many postal codes are in Guam?
    Wallis and Futuna have three postal codes.
  • Give the alpha three-letter country code of Guam.
    The alpha three-letter country code of Wallis and Futuna is WLF.